The Culture Wars is a thought-provoking book that illuminates the stark contrast between the progressive narrative, which challenges the fundamental values of the majority, and the radical ideals of a vocal minority. This cultural battle spans across every medium; music, legacy news media, movies, TV shows, and beyond, shaping perceptions and distorting reality.
Read MoreCulture Wars is expected to be completed this Deceber
The Culture Wars
Ladies and gentlemen, I am currently writing The Culture Wars. Hours of my day are dedicated to this book, and the process feels nothing short of surreal. Writing it is more than a task—it’s a calling. The events unfolding in the world right now provide no shortage of content, and the urgency to document them is undeniable.
Books like Orwell’s 1984, though fictional, paint a haunting picture of a totalitarian society. The Culture Wars is a snapshot of our time, capturing the reality we’re living in. My hope is that when people read it ten years from now, it will feel like fiction—because right now, we’re living in what seems like an alternate reality.